WS1_French legislation in support of volunteers_A. Salvi
WS1_Legal support and obstacles for volunteering_Andy Jefferies
WS1_Volunteering as crowdsourcing for private land conservation_JoniVieira_Montis – LIFE ELCN
WS2_Giving responsibility is giving wings_EwoudLAmiral
WS2_Motivating and hindering factors for volunteers_SiimKuresoo
WS2_Volunteering in practice_IsmoMarttinen
WS3_10th anniversary of the database_KristijnSwinnen
WS3_Citizen Science in the South Pennines_ThomasAspinall
WS3_Euro Bird Portal_DaniVillero
WS4_Detecting the Small and Secretive_GDalley
WS4_Monitoring of wolves with volunteers in Slovenia_NinaRazen
WS4_Sturgeon Watchers in Ukraine_InnaHoch
WS5_Osprey protection in Poland_Lukasz Porebski
WS5_Volunteer activities after LIFE_ChristosGeorgiadis
WS5_Volunteering with the ESC for nature conservation_LuisJordao
WS6_Engaging young volunteers in choosing nature_GRegondi
WS6_LIFE Waders for Real_PaulStephens