A2 Technical designs and building permits

Projekteerijad Soomaal õppepäeval. Foto: Jüri-Ott Salm

Experts on a study-trip. Photo: Jüri-Ott Salm

The objective is to restore (near) natural hydrological regime of the drainge-affected wetlands in order to stop the degradation of the Natura 2000 habitats, foster the improvement of the habitat qualities and provide also favourable conditions for species related to the habitats (target species of the projects). Within this action will be provided technical conditions and estimation of definite quantities (the length of ditches for infilling, number and specification of dams, logistical plan) for actual restoration activities (project actions C1-C3). This is also basis for further procurement of external services within concrete conservation actions (Actions C1 and C2) and quality control of these actions.

marts 2014_2

Photo: Kai Vellak

The terms of technical designs are largely based on the experience of the State Forest Management Centre with whom ELF has established long-term co-operation regarding the restoration activities. For example already completed restoration works in Soomaa National Park (65 ha) were initiated by ELF (funded by INTERREG project IIIA program from 2005 to 2007), restoration plan and technical design were compiled with co-operation  between the designer, ELF, State Forest Management Centre and Latvian Fund for Nature. Restoration activities were conducted by State Forest Management Centre from 2010 until 2013 (funded by EU Regional Development Fund). We aim to continue cooperation with State Forest Management Centre during this project, especially in process of elaboration technical plans. ELF will organize also meetings with representatives from municipalities, State Forest Management Centre, Environmental Board and Agricultural Board if needed.

Draft technical designs will be introduced in public meetings (in total 6). These events will be organised in nearest municipality centres from the restoration sites and are ment to wider, local public.

Final design must be approved by State Forest Management Centre and necessary authorities (Environmental Board, Agricultural Board, etc.)