F1 Project administration and coordination

The LIFE project will be implemented in cooperation between coordinating beneficiary – Estonian Fund for Nature (Eestimaa Looduse Fond – ELF) and two associate beneficiaries –  University of Tartu and NGO Arheovisioon.

For project management ELF has recruited project manager (Jüri-Ott Salm), project assistant (Aili Saluveer), project financial assistant (Kadri Kalmus), and public relations coordinator (Mariliis Haljasorg). Project managers are recruited at University of Tartu (Voldemar rannap) and NGO Arheovisioon (Kaarel Sikk).

Project administration and coordination involves also technical work and assistance in all other actions, e.g. preparations of public tenders for restoration work under Actions C1 and C2, coordination of restoration works and control of work quality for actions C1, C2, C3, assisting field work in actions D1 and D2, conducting study tours to Finland and Sweden (action E1). Also Layman report will be prepared, public tender for minibus and other durable goods organised.

In autumn 2015 the Project Steering Group was established. Project Steering Group meetings are organised every 6 months. The Steering group includes representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Environmental Board, State Forest Service, Estonian Wetland Society, Environmental Investment Centre and other stakeholders. Progress of the project is reported to the Group and success of actions of project evaluated.

Under F1, project coordinator is responsible for compiling report on Ecosystem services based on methodology developed under The Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE) initiative MAES.  The project helps to map and assess the state of mire ecosystems and their services, carbon sequestration by restoration activities, assess the economic value of such services, and promote the integration of these values into accounting and reporting systems at EU and national level by 2020 (targets of EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020). Report will be completed in 2019.