
Reports and materials of the project “LIFE Mires Estonia” presented below are mainly in Estonian, expect project reports.

Project reports


J.-O. Salm, L. Remm, M. Haljasorg, E. Karofeld, K. Kohv, M. Kohv, A. Kraut, L. Krumm, M. Meriste, L. Oro, P. Pungas-Kohv, U. Sellis & K. Sikk. 2021. ’Restoration of Mire Habitats: Experiences from the Project ’Conservation and Restoration of Mire Habitats’. Estonian mires, Tartu . 83 pp.

Restoration plans (in Estonian)

Monitoring and Evaluation of Target Species (in Estonian)


UAV and satellite data collection, processing and classification. Summary. E.Sepp 2018

Archaeology (in Estonian)

Study tours (in Estonian)

Other reports (in Estonian)