Choose your tasks: Tudu

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A dam has been built next to the track at the 2nd information point. The dam is made of peat and local soil. 1) Try to guess, how wide this dam is? ……………………. Measure, how many steps the width of this dam is. ………………..

a. Mire is a wetland where there is a constant ……………. or dead ……………. that is not completely decomposed.

b. Mires began to appear in Estonia after the last ice age, ie ……………… years ago.

c. Mire generally arises in ……………. way: either ………………………. ., from which the water has not been able to drain for any reason, or ………………………………………….. which has begun to clog.

d. When moving in the mire, you should step on the rotten of the …………….  in softer places, because they carry.

in the lake, 12000, peat, plant mass, two, cotton grass, depression of the soil

The photos are small parts of the larger photo on the information boards. Search full-size photos from all information boards. Mark the correct answer below the photo: 




Connect the correct year and activity with the arrow:

1976 – Tudu hut construction

1995 – a reserve for the protection of bears was established, the beginning of the Tudu nature reserve

2019 – Järvesoo drainage ditches were closed

Measure the length of your one step ………. (cm). Use the metric at the beginning of the boardwalk as a guide. Write your first name and step length on the dotted line. Calculate how many cm the dam is wide.

…………………… the length of one step is ……… cm.

…………………… the length of one step is ………. cm.

…………………… the length of one step is ………. cm.

…………………… the length of one step is ……….. cm.

The average length of one step in our group is ……….. cm.

The width of the dam is …………………. cm

Take a seat on the benches and discuss the content of the following sentences. Imagine you want to start restoring the mires. Some of the bog-restoration work descriptions can be found in the following sentences with the aim to restore open bog. The purpose of this task is to put the sentences in a reasonable order. Please write the sequence number in front of the sentence!

……. The computer shows how the water should move in the bog so that the mire can recover.

…….. Find out how big and where is the area need to be restored.

…….. Decide where to build dams so as to minimize disturbance to mire creatures and locals.

…….. Find out what this sex looked like in the past (eg where the trees grew, where the ceiling was, etc.).

The photos are small parts of the larger photo on the information boards. Search full-size photos from all information boards. Mark the correct answer below the photo:

If necessary, seek help from the 7th to 9th information board:

2019 – the reserve for bear protection, the beginning of the Tudu nature reserve 1995 – Construction of the Tudu hut

1937 – Jüri Parijõgi’s book “In the Forests of Alutagus” is published

1996 – The outflow (then Lord’s Ditch) was dug into Lake Tudu

2001 – a large clot that caused a lot of wind

1976 – The Järvesoo drainage ditches were closed

Mid-19th century – Juhan Lepasaar’s book “Sooradadel” was published

Metric is marked by the boardwalk. Read how many steps you took in 10 meters. Divide by 10 (m) your number of steps and you will find out how long your normal walking step is. This allows you to use the stride length as a tape measure. My step is ………………………………… meters.

Take a seat on the benches and discuss the content of the following sentences. Then put the sentences in reasonable order by writing down the appropriate sequence number for each sentence!

Imagine you want to start restoring the mire. Think about what you need to do for that! With the following, some activities related to open-bog restoration can be found in the sentences.

…. When building dams, figure out how to get to and from the mire with your excavator. What are there alternatives to the excavator?

…. Find out and decide if it is necessary to remove the trees as it helps to raise water levels. Think about what to do with the chopped wood!

…. Find out how big the drainage area is.

…. Then start playing “with water” on your computer: click where it is wise to build dams that no more water would flow out of the drained mire.

…. Find out the old maps and communicate with the locals. How did the mire look like 50-100 years ago?

…. Use the hydrological modelling to see how the water moves in the mire.

…. Find out who the landowners are.

…. Explain to people who live in and near this bog – both, as endangered species and ad local people need attention! Whether and how the construction of dams and the water level may affect their life?

…. Talk to all landowners and try to get their approval.

The photos are small parts of the larger photo on the information boards. Search full-size photos from all information boards. Mark the correct answer below the photo:

As an answer, please write the result of the bird counting: ………………..

Can you also identify a species? ………………………………………………………………….


What is the reason that there are so many fallen trees here? ……………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Mark the number of steps, the width of the dam and the name of the dam on the dotted line.

The number of steps in measuring the dam is ……………………..; the width of the dam is thus …………………….. m; the name of the “type” of the dam is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Well done! 🙂

The photo has a cross-section of a pine tree. The radius of the tree is about 12 cm. What is the diameter of the tree? …………….

The Estonian language is very different from English. Try to search from the texts on the information boards for the 10 most interesting Estonian words and read them to your friends. Find out what these words mean by google translate. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Mark on the dotted line, who is/are in the picture: ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The photos demonstrate different dams. Compare the photos and the dam next to the hiking trail. Based on the photos, decide on the name of the dam that is built next to the track. Check the correct photo in your opinion.


Every year the tree grows its own stem. We may see the growth of the tree with the help of annual rings. Count the annual rings of the tree. How old has this tree been? …………………………..

What kind of tree is it? ………………………………………………

The photo has a cross-section of a pine tree. The radius of the tree is about 12 cm. Count the annual rings. How old is this tree? ……………………………………………

Try how many times in a row you can unmistakably say “Montagu’s harrier” (Circus pygargus). Mark the result on the dotted line: ………………………….. Search the Internet for three facts about this bird: ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Take a piece of string (approx. 3.5 m) onto the group and together form an approximate contour of Estonia. Mark your location inside the outline of Estonia with a cone, pebble or another handy object.

Find the map of Estonia here, if needed.

Imagine that you are the leader of a big company and the dam “works” for your company. Please formulate with the one-sentence description, what should the dam do? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Every year the tree grows its stem. We may see the growth of the tree by the annual rings. Count the annual rings of the tree. How old has this tree been? …………. What species of tree is it? …………………….

If the tree has been cut down in 2020, examine the annual rings in the cross-section of the tree. Assuming the tree has been sawn from the drained mire, use the annual rings to calculate the year in which the drainage work began: …………………………………………

Search Wikipedia for an event that took place in Estonia in the same year ………………………….

The photo has a cross-section of a pine tree. The radius of the tree is about 12 cm. Each circle in the cross-section represents one year. Why are there very thin annual rings in the heart of the tree? Write four keywords in response: 


Try how many times in a row you can unmistakably say “western marsh harrier” (Circus aeruginosus). Mark the result on the dotted line: ………………………….. Search the Internet for three facts about this bird: ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


TAPE …………………………………………..

RIME ……………………………………………

GOB ……………………………………………..

Please read the 4th information board. What is the first thing to do in case of a fire in the forest or mire? 


Offsprings are born on a viper:

a. in March-April b. August-September

What did you learn? ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

What did you experience? ………………………………………………………………………………………..

What did you teach others? ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Form groups of 4 to 5 people. See the drawing on the 1st information board, which introduces the development of mire. Each group receives a 5-meter piece of rope. Two members of the group start to spiral up and down (see the drawing), imitating the profile of the fen and bog with this movement. The group has two so-called spinners and at least one “bog jumper” and at least one shouter (who shouts whether the rope is in the fen or bog position). There are several groups that can be used to keep everyone engaged.

PLAYER TEA ………………………………………………………….

TOES MAPS ……………………………………………………………

Fire destroys a lot. But for what reason can a forest fire be useful?



If the snake has yellow spots at the head, it is:

a. grass-snake 
b. viper

Look for the yellow label on the handrail at the 3rd information point and take a photo according to the instructions there.


What has caused the trees to fall over here? If necessary, seek help from the 4th information board! ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Take a look around. Do you notice any wedges or butterflies flying? NO / YES

Mark on the dotted line how many dragonflies and/or butterflies you are noticing. Dragonflies: ………..  butterflies: …………….

What kind of weather do dragonflies and butterflies like? (You can find some help on the information board nr. 5) ………………………………………………………………………

What is the weather on the study trail at the current moment? …………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Look for the yellow label on the handrail near the 6th information post and take a photo according to the instructions there.

Come up with a pantomime to explain what is it the restricted zone, special protection zone and reserve. Please see more information on the 1st information post.

CRY BARREN ……………………………………………………

EROSION TART ……………………………………………………………

You see trees that have fallen around you. In response, write who or what their forms remind you of ……………………………………………………………… 

Why have these trees fallen over? Read the 4th info post on how Kalli and Modris talk about this.

Find out the moss square at the 6th information board and mark how much of this grid is covered with (peat) moss. Answer: There are a total of ……… squares in the moss grid and …………… of them are covered with peat moss.

My question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The teacher or the children themselves read Kalli’s and Modris’ songs OR play in a so-called theatre school: one of the children plays Kalli and the other Modris, and the third child reads the accompanying text. Afterwards, you can discuss with each other and decide what is true and what is not in the mire creature’s texts.

Not true: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Solve the anagram and in response, you will get two actions that will help restore the open bog:

1. REVIEWERS EAT ALL ………………………………………………………………………………….

2. MOREOVER METS SEE ………………………………………………………………………………..

How many fallen trees do you see standing at the 4th information post? …………………………………………..

Why are there so many fallen trees? …………………………………………………………………….

Find the moss square next to the 6th information board and mark how many % of the entire grid is covered with moss? Answer: ……………………………………………..

Have you found peat moss inside the moss square? YES/NO

See your surroundings, drawings, photos and texts on the study trail. Imagine that you are a journalist and you have to present your thoughts in the style of Twitter tweets. Thoughts should characterize the Tudu path and its surroundings. Write 9 tweets on the following lines.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Can we find bog-holes in the figure here?  YES/NO

What kind of habitat is presented in the figure here? ……………………………………….

Was this habitat also noticeable on the Tudu trail? If so, at which information post? ………………………………………………………………………………………..


Walk from point 3 to point 5 and make a note of all the names of the plants in the range marked with nameplates that you see along the boardwalk. Take at least one photo of each plant so that both the plant and the label with the plant name remain on the photo.

(If there are no plant-specific tags, select the 6 plants you like next to the track and use a teacher, friends, or google lens to identify the plants).

Plants: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Words: All, but, are, mires, peatlands, mires, all, not, are, peatlands


My favourite drink is: ………………………………………………………………

Please write the number of different species ……………………………

Please write, which are your 8 favourite species among them ………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


What kind of habitat is it? ………………………………………….. ……………………………………..

At which information post do you notice this habitat? ………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………..


Moving from point 4 to point 5, you will see an open area. Count the remnant trees in the open area to the left of the boardwalk. How many remnant trees do you see? …………..

Look and figure out what makes different the remnant trees to the left of the boardwalk from the trees to the right of the boardwalk? …………………………………… 


Words: Mires, bogs, are, bogs, mires, not, but, all, all, are

Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1st information point

2nd information point

3rd information point

4th information point

5th information point

6th information point

7th information point

8th information point

9th information point

Answer …………………………………………………

Examine the information board 5 and write the answer, which is the absolute height of the bottom of Lake Tudu ………….. m. Is this the lowest place on the map? NO / YES

Words: mires, All, but, are, wetlands, mires, wetlands, not, all, are

See drawings on the 1st information board. The development of the mires is presented there. Use the materials around you (gravel, sand, branches, leaves, etc.) to make drawings of the development of the mires on the ground. Take one photo of the final result and send it to Enter the date, school, and group as the subject of the e-mail.

Which word, determining the habitat, has a more general meaning – mire or bog?



Look at the drawings on the 5th information board, which show the surroundings of Tudu with the horizontals. Is the water surface of Lake Tudu higher than the Tudu car park? NO / YES

How Many meters is the difference? ………………………………………………………………………

Practice counting birds using a computer game and go to the website of the Estonian Ornithological Society (

Mark the result of counting birds of each group member on the dotted line: 



Try to draw the most exciting creature you found in the photos or drawings of the study trail.

a. Mire is a wetland where there is a constant ……………. or dead ……………. that is not completely decomposed.

b. Mires began to appear in Estonia after the last ice age, ie ……………… years ago.

c. Mire generally arises in ……………. way: either ………………………. ., from which the water has not been able to drain for any reason, or ………………………………………….. which has begun to clog.

d. When moving in the mire, you should step on the rotten of the …………….  in softer places, because they carry.

in the lake, 12000, peat, plant mass, two, cotton grass, depression of the soil

The photos are small parts of the larger photo on the information boards. Search full-size photos from all information boards. Mark the correct answer below the photo:



To practice bird counting, see the computer game on the website of the Estonian Ornithological Society (

Mark the result of bird counting of each group member on the dotted line: …………………………….. ……… ………………………………………….. …………………

Calculate the average of the group: ………………………..

Please choose the task