University of Tartu

TY_logo_ring_jooneta_sinineThe University of Tartu (UT) is one of the oldest universities in Northern and Eastern Europe (est. 1632). Its Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences (IEES) is one of its biggest institutes covering a wide area of environmental sciences and offering science-based higher education at all levels. The researchers working on the project are mostly from conservation biology working group, teaming up researchers from the departments of Zoology and Botany. The conservation biology working group is aimed to contribute to the preservation and furtherance of biodiversity via basic and applied research. The researchers of the working group have strong experience with (i) the analysis of conservation strategies for endangered species and (ii) transdisciplinary nature conservation and restoration projects. In this project UT will carry out the initial evaluation of target species in project sites and monitoring of the effect of bog restoration on those species. The evaluation of initial state of target species and further monitoring of the effects of bog restoration secures dynamic spatial planning balancing the restoration benefits and risks and allows to correct habitat restoration plans during the project.

Working on the project are: Voldemar Rannap, Project Leader in UT Asko Lõhmus, Lead Research Fellow in Conservation Biology Liina Remm, Research Fellow in Conservation Biology Anu Tiitsaar, Research Fellow in Entomology Urmas Sellis, Specialist in Conservation Biology Ann Kraut, Specialist in Conservation Biology